Cards symbolism

Suit of Swords

To celebrate the Second International tarot day, an international team of forensic sleuths have been on the trail of 14 suspects from the shadowy world of swords. All villains were chosen at random.

The forensic detectives were able to profile many suspects but sadly, the most cunning villains are still at large.

The suspects taken into custody were the 4 of Swords by Bobby Bogunovic, 6 of Swords by Tina Moore, 7 of Swords by crystalartsandhealth , 8 of Swords (the detective has not completed their assignment), 9 of Swords by Cosmic Tarot, 10 of swords by Unlocking Words part 1 and part 2Page of Swords (the sleuth has not completed their case) and Queen of Swords by Tara Muscillo.

The team had a list of questions to follow in order to build a forensic profile of their culprit.

Here are the chilling reports of some of the suspects.

4 of Swords

4 of Swords by Bobby Bogunovic

Possible meaning of the 4 of Swords.
Key words: – respite – Rest – Recuperation – Stability – Healing – Patience – Peaceful – Calm & constant outcome – Rebalancing mental/ spiritual/ emotional & physical bodies.

To me, this card is a reminder that one must take a step back in order to rest & recuperate; a bit like recharging one’s batteries so that one is ready for whatever lays ahead. Without the necessary rest, one cannot achieve balance and healing, and are thus at risk of burnout if they continue to ‘burn the candle at both ends’. Being an air element, it’s the ideal time to reflect & contemplate formulating new ideas, projects and plans. This is almost like the prep work of building the foundations for what they wish to manifest in the future.

Numerology connection.
4 – stability – Consistency – Endurance – Boundaries – Structure – Responsibility – Stasis – Peaceful.

The number 4 represents a sort of balance & harmony between all of the elements which can reflect security & stability. This is not about fast, short-term gains, but more so to do with diligently and consistently working towards one’s goal, often being achieved through stasis rather than actual action. The inaction is what creates the right kind of atmosphere in which progress can be achieved

Element traditionally associated with the 4 of Swords.
Air, relates to: communication, intellect, actions, ideas, balance, being inventive. Season: Autumn

Astrological association.
Jupiter in Libra = Desire for justice, idealistic, honest approach, aesthetic.
A lot of energy goes into creating harmony & balance, plus there is a deep desire to ensure that their environment is fair & just.

Meaning of the symbolism.
Open coffin lid = suggests a pause in action rather than a definite end/closure; withdrawal to regain energy
Colourful stained glass window = Christ giving a healing/blessing to someone, reflects the internal healing going on plus the healing that rest is giving the knight 3 swords facing down, one across = the sword that lays across horizontally suggests laying down one’s weapon in order to relax, unwind & gather one’s energy.
Bide time before going into battle. Rest.
Hands in prayer position = reflection, taking a pause to rethink strategy; contemplation

Shadow side of the 4 of Swords.
Lack of progress – Stagnation – Burn-out – Restlessness – Impatience.
This can manifest as stagnation, boredom, loss of interest, laziness and restlessness. Should the querent be ‘burning the candle at both ends’, this could be a warning of potential burnout. It’s almost a kind of resistance whereby the querent refuses to slow down as they believe that only active action will enable them to achieve their goals. Their impatience serves as a destabilising force.

Crystals associated with the 4 of Swords.
Malachite: emotional mastery stone * soothing * Calming * Relieves pain
It’s a stone which absorbs & draws out imbalances from the body.
It is also known to enhance psychic ability when placed upon the 3rd eye chakra.
 It carries the idea energy for rest and recuperation whilst recharging one’s batteries.

Herbs, flowers or essential oils connected to the 4 of Swords.
Herbs/flowers: I came across over 20 that can fit within this category but have selected a few which resonated with me.
Interestingly, most embody the masculine energy yet all have Jupiter as their ruling planet plus the element of air.
The herbs/plants act more in terms of keeping the person protected throughout their period of withdrawal so that they may do so in peace and quiet.
Bodhi: * Gender: masc * Planet: Jupiter * Element: air * Deities: Buddha, Vishnu * Powers: fertility, protection, wisdom, meditation
Anise: * Gender: masc * Element: air * Planet: Jupiter * Powers: protection, purification, youth
Maple: * Gender: masc * Element: air * Planet: Jupiter * Powers: love, longevity, money
Sage: * Gender: masc * Element: air * Planet: Jupiter * Powers: protection, immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection

6 of Swords

6 of Swords by Tina Moore

Possible meaning of the 6 of Swords,
Moving on, changing perceptions, obstacles overcome. Might signify a journey physically or spiritually.

Numerology connection
Number 6 for harmony, creativity, responsibility and domesticity.
Source: The Elements of Numerology by Rodford Barrat

Element traditionally associated with your card and Astrological association
Element is Air:  thoughts, ideas, and attitudes.
With the Universal Rider-Waite deck the astrological association is Mercury and the air sign Aquarius.

Mythology or folktales of the 6 of Swords.
It is thought that this is a depiction of one of the God’s taking the dead to another place (hell). There was also a mention of Apollo but I could not find convincing enough information.

Meaning of the symbolism found in the card.
It signifies a journey either physically or spiritually, the swords represent burdens or life changes, the crossing might be rough at first, but will smooth out.

Shadow side.
Going into the unknown and not knowing if you are ready for the unknown.

Crystals associated with the 6 of Swords.
Clear quartz crystal as it can help magnify energy and help clear your mind of any distraction in your readings.

Amethyst as it elevates energy and raises vibrational frequencies.

Tiger Eye: will aid you with your intuitive abilities and stimulate your third eye.

Herbs, flowers or essential oils.
Benzoin, Acacia, Cedarwood, and mint leaves. (can be blended into an incense cone as well)
Lavender, Rosemary, Dandelion, Sage and Rose all can help with the psychic gift while doing a tarot reading

Huckleberry Oil, Lavender Oil will help to open up your third eye area.

7 of Swords

7 of Swords blog by Crystal arts and health

8 of Swords

The sleuth has not completed their case.

9 of Swords

9 of Swords by Cosmic Tarot

10 of Swords

10 of Swords part 1 and part 2 , blogs by Unlocking Words

Page of Swords

Sadly the detective has not completed their case.


Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords by Tara Muscillo

Queen-of-SwordsLet’s talk about the Queen of Swords. I’ve taken on a challenge created by Tarot and Kitties by Oephebia for International Tarot Day (July 8th) and was assigned this lovely lady as my card to focus on. Here are some references.

Astrological reference: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Element : Air
Key words: Upright: Quick thinker, organized, perceptive , independent Witty and smart. Professional Often hurt in Love. Reversed: Ruthless, lack of compassion, language barrier (source: Tarotwikipedia)

I’ve got examples of 6 different Queen of swords from very different decks.
Pictured from top to bottom:

The Celtic Dragon Tarot ( DJ Conway art : by Lisa Hunt)
The Classic Rider Waite Smith
On the left: The Everyday Enchantment Tarot (Poppy Palin)
On the right: The Voyager Tarot (by James Wanless PHD)
On the bottom left: Morality The Osho Zen Tarot (design by Amiyo Ruihnke & Deva Sandipa)
On the lower right: The Thoth Tarot (Aleister Crowley)

Crystals associated: Hawk’s eye or Blue Tiger’s eye
associated with the throat chakra and increases all forms of clairvoyance and astral travel.

According to the Herbal Tarot: the flower ruled by this card is “Lady’s Slipper”

I’ve chosen to use 6 distinctly different decks to show that although they all appear unique, they all vibrate at the same level of frequency.

The Voyager Tarot calls this card ” The Guardian” and I believe the Queen of Swords can be likened to a Severe yet compassionate Goddess.

The Everyday Enchantment Tarot uses a surgeon as a representation which is quite fitting as the Queen tends to cut through to the heart of the matter.

Although the Celtic Dragon Tarot changes the sword card to the element of fire not air, she still takes on the same qualities as other decks.

She’s been known as the “mask cutter” which is a name I love because she truly does rip off the masks we wear especially in public. My beloved queen forces me to look inside myself and at the bigger picture and gain clarity.

Affirmation: “I speak my truth with absolute confidence. I get my point across clearly ” (courtesy of The Tarot Lady Theresa Reed)

I love my Queen and kind of feel like she gets a bad rap compared to The Queen of Pentacles or Cups. She may be “rough” but she’s my friend and I’ve come to know her well.


The investigations were also taken in different directions, from major suspects to lesser culprits in the realm of Cups, Pentacles and Wands

Enjoy and Happy International Tarot day 🙂

Oephebia and the kitty monsters
facebookgroup: Tarot and Kitties

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