tarot spread

Mother’s Day

Here in the UK Mother’s day is celebrated in March whilst in other countries it is celebrated in May.

Regardless of the date, it is a day to celebrate and remember the woman who carried us for 9 months in her womb and gave birth to us.


But to me Mother’s day is also to celebrate the biggest mother of all…Gaia or mother Earth, our beautiful planet.

Without Gaia, there would be no life on earth, we must remember that our planet is in need of love, not only on Mother’s day but every day.

We need to nurture, protect and be compassionate to all of Gaia’s children from the plants/flowers’ kingdom, the animals’ kingdom and the environment.

If Gaia thrives, we all thrive.


It is also to celebrate all mothers….humans and animals.

Animals usually have very strong maternal instincts (most species) and humans so often interfere with the love of an animal mother and her baby.

Some of us are mothers to human children, whilst others are mothers to animals and people who are not genetically linked to them.

They all share a theme in common, the love given to another being 🙂

Inner Mother Spread

To celebrate Mother’s day, the Inner Mother spread I have created is quite fun to look at …well you guess it…your inner mother, regardless if you have children or not J

Position 1
My idea of motherhood
Position 2
Shadow side of motherhood. What do I need to avoid?
Position 3
How can I release the energy of my inner mother?
Position 4
How can I tap into my creative powers?
Position 5
How can I nurture others around me?
Position 6
Which area of my life is more suited with my compassion?

As usual, have fun 🙂

Happy Mother’s day to all.

Oephebia and the kitty monsters

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